Instagram: @marlenastell
Marlena Stell is the founder and CEO of her own beauty brand Makeup Geek. Marlena joined our iRESTORE family in 2019 as she too experienced a history of hair loss, one reason for beginning postpartum. We’re excited to share with you a special Q&A where she drops a few gems that you can pick up for your hair journey.
Let’s get started
Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
A: Marlena Stell is the founder and CEO of her own beauty brand Makeup Geek. Marlena joined our iRESTORE family in 2019 as she too experienced a history of hair loss, one reason for beginning postpartum. We’re excited to share with you a special Q&A where she drops a few gems that you can pick up for your hair journey.
Q. What’s one of your favorite things about iRESTORE, and when did you begin losing your hair?
A: My favorite thing about iRESTORE is how easy the system is to use! Because I can just put the device on and relax, it gives me a great time to sit and read while I use my device. It’s convenient, fast, and easy, which I need as a business owner and new mom.
I started losing my hair almost 10 years ago when I lost 125 pounds. I lost the weight slowly and then cleaned up my diet and exercised. I didn’t realize with the weight loss came hair loss. I lost almost 50% of my hair in less than a year. It affected my self-esteem for a long time.
Q. Where do you live, and does it affect your hair?
A: I recently moved from Washington State to Houston Texas and am enjoying it so far! My location doesn’t affect my hair loss at all as in recent times, my hair has gotten in a great place after using my device for a couple of years now.
Q. When did you start noticing your hair growth?
A: I started noticing hair growth about 5-6 months after using my iRESTORE device. I began to see the baby hairs coming in the top of my head, and that’s where a lot of my loss happened. My current hair got softer and shinier, which is a side bonus! I was consistent and used it every other day.
Q. How do you want to improve yourself and your hair growth in 2022? Did you have a support team while going through your hair growth journey?
A: I focused on eating better when I started losing my hair, and I want to continue improving my nutrition. I would love to continue taking iRESTORE's supplements for prevention and using the shampoo and conditioner because it smells so good and leaves my hair feeling soft and manageable. My support system was my IG community. Sharing the journey with them and finding others with similar conditions has been a great support.
Q. How did you feel about your hair before using iRESTORE?
A: Before I started using my iRESTORE device, I felt defeated. I tried EVERYTHING I could find on the market- pills, hair serums, vitamins, smelly shampoos… None of it worked. During that time I gave up on my hair growth journey.

Q. What’s your daily routine? From morning to night, can you walk us through the day?
A: I start my day by washing my hair (every 3-4 days) in the shower with my Thickening Shampoo then applying a deep conditioning hair mask on the ends of my hair. After I towel dry it, I use light hair oil, then let it air dry for an hour before blow-drying the rest. I keep styling to a minimum, and I wear my device for 25 minutes at night. On the days I don’t wash my hair, I brush it gently and style it only if needed.
Q. Can you name some activities you do while using your iRESTORE device?
A: When I’m wearing my device, my favorite thing to do is read. When wearing my device it gives me the perfect excuse to relax at night before bed and read.
I love reading business or inspirational books. I’m currently on my self-discovery journey. Wearing my device gives me the perfect excuse to relax at night before bed and read.
Q. Do you think the condition of your hair has changed since you started using iRESTORE?
A: My hair now is not only fuller but it’s actually shiny and soft! Even my hairdresser said “Your hair looks so healthy! What are you using?
Q. A lot of people think that hair growth should happen quickly. Do you have some tips for those people who are considering beginning their hair growth journey?
A: My advice for anyone going through their hair journey is to be patient! It takes time and consistency to see results. I started seeing growth in about 6 months, and during that time, I consistently used my device, but I improved my healthy habits to support my hair growth. I ate healthier, cut out sugars and processed foods, drank more water, and connected with my doctor to ensure I had the vitamins my body needed. It takes time to make these changes, but the results are SO worth it!
Keep UP
To keep up with Marlena, you can follow her on social media:
- Instagram: @marlenastell